Monday, August 18, 2014

Why I Refused the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge...and Did Not Donate Money.

The ice bucket challenge is all over Facebook these days and while raising awareness and money for a good cause, and ALS certainly is, the challenge irks me. I do not believe people should be pressured into donating, shamed for not, or donating because it is the trend of the moment. Donations should be made because you want to, you are passionate about a cause, or you have educated yourself on the issue and want to make a difference.

I chose not to do the challenge and not to donate because ALS doesn't particularly speak to me. It is a very serious disease and is definitely a worthy cause, however I cannot donate to every cause I think is worthy. I live on a budget, with little left over every month, but every year I still donate hundreds of dollars and countless hours for causes I truly care about.

When I donate my money I try to stay local, especially when it comes to local SPCAs and Food Pantries. I also donate time to prep and deliver food for Meals on Wheels locally. I wish I could donate to every cause, but I can't.

If you accept the ice bucket challenge good for you. Do the challenge and donate what you can, but please also educate yourself as to what ALS is if you are unaware. I have seen a lot of people do the challenge and have no idea what ALS is, many also do not donate to the cause.  ALS is not a joke and the challenge should not be just a fun new trend, follow through, raise awareness, and help educate. For whatever reason if you don't care enough to donate then don't accept the challenge, find another cause you can get behind and help there.

For more information or to donate see the ALS Association's website.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Natural Cleaning and Flea/Tick Repelling

I haven't used chemical cleaners in my home for some time now. I have purchased natural commercial products such as Honest Co. and 7th Generation, but more often I go for basic natural cleaners. I save a good amount of money and know exactly what I'm cleaning with.

Some of my favorite cleaning products are readily in my home, such as vinegar and baking soda.  I also use essential oils. Below are some items and what I use them for.

Baking Soda: I use this to deodorize and scrub my home. As a basic deodorizer you can place an open box in the fridge or elsewhere around the house, add essential oils to the mix to kick it up.
             Carpets: Mix baking soda in a mason jar with orange essential oil. I let this sit without a lid until the oil dries. I then cover and shake the jar to mix it. About 20 minutes or more before I plan to vacuum I sprinkle my carpets and rugs with the mixture. This also guarantees I actually do vacuum.
             Sinks and tub: Sprinkle baking soda on surface and scrub with a sponge, rinse with water. You can also add some tea tree oil to the mix as above for floors.
             Toilets: I mix this with peroxide and spray my toilet with the mixture, let sit a few minutes and then scrub with a toilet brush.

Essential Oils: I love essential oils. I use them in body oil, bath salts, cleaning sprays, humidifiers, etc... There are so many uses. It is recommended that you place essential oil mixes in glass bottles and not plastic, as essential oils can break down plastic.
             Flea Spray (Dog): I use this on my pet bed and dog's fur. I haven't had a flea issue in years. I also find very few ticks over the course of a year on my dog (maybe a couple). I use a 32 oz. spray bottle and fill it with distilled water. I then add 15 drops each of peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus, and tea tree oils. I love those 4 oils and find them very versatile. I shake the bottle before each use. On my dog's collar I often add peppermint oil diluted in a carrier oil.
             Flea Repellant (cats): Cats can be tricky since they are sensitive to oils. I use Cedarwood and lavender on my cat. I add these to a high grade pure vegetable oil, diluting 50:1 vegetable to essential oil. I then place a little on my hands and massage my cat with the oil. I found the recommendation for this process here. I recommend watching your cat for signs of sensitivity whenever introducing them to oils.
            Oils for Cleaning: I usually throw these in with baking soda or peroxide. Lavender, tea tree, lemon, and orange are my go to. I love the way they smell, although not all together.
           All Purpose Cleaner: I mix water and vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. I then add essential oils to scent. A basic recipe would be to mix 1 cup water, 1 cup vinegar and then 20-30 drops of essential oils in a spray bottle. You can also make an all purpose cleaner with castile soap, I found a very informative post on that gives more info on oils and cleaners.

There are plenty other products I make at home instead of buying in the store I'll blog about more in the future.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Recipe for a Cloth Wipe Solution Concentrate

Since I cloth diaper I decided to use cloth wipes as well. I use cloth wipes to save money and we have. I have tons of disposable wipes we got at the shower and have yet to use. We do use them when out and about since we then use disposable diapers, but we have gone through about 3 packs of disposable wipes in 3 months. Thats a good chunk of money not spent on disposable wipes.

We wash and treat our cloth wipes just like our cloth diapers when it comes to cleaning them. When I ordered our Best Bottoms I ordered 2 packs of  GroVia Cloth Wipes and they are holding up very well. I use them every day and wash every other day with our diapers. There is some staining from poo, but I just sun them with my diapers and the stains disappear. After 3 months of constant use we have no fraying on the wipes. They are a great size and clean my daughter very well, overall I really like them.

When I first decided to use cloth wipes I went on a hunt for a wipe solution recipe. I didn't want to spend a lot of money on a store bought wipe solution and while some people just use water, I wanted a bit more for cleaning the little one's bum. Most recipes I found made a solution you would need to make batches of frequently. I wanted more of a wipe solution concentrate that I could just add to water and be done. I found Cleaning Out the Clutter had some great wipe solution recipes and used this as a basis for my concentrate.

I started with a cup of Dr. Bronner's Baby Castile soap, a cup of olive oil*, and then 20 drops of tea tree and lavender oil (each), gently swirl the container of solution concentrate to mix the oil and soap (I do this each time I add it to water). I just store it in a mason jar in my cabinet. I started out adding 2 tbsp of that solution to a cup of filtered water, but thought it was too oily, so I cut it down to 1 tbsp. I store my wet wipes in a plastic container that used to hold disposable wipes. I just place my clean wipes in there, pour a solution over them, close the lid and shake. I made one batch of this concentrate and used it for a couple of months.

At first this worked great. It smelled good, was easy on my daughter's bum, and was easy to use. Wipes were washed with my cloth diapers and I had no problems. After about 2 months of use I found my Best Bottom stay dry inserts were repelling, but not my hemp ones. I am leading towards to wipe solution being my problem as you can feel the oil on your hands after using the wipes. Its not super oily, but its there. This lead me to believe the oil is building up on the microfiber.

I have since stripped my diaper inserts and revamped the recipe. I changed the recipe to 1/4 cup olive oil, 2 cups Dr. Bronners, and then 20 drops of lavender and tea tree oil (each). I will continue to use 1 tbsp in a cup of filtered water and pour over wipes in a plastic container. I'm now waiting to see if I have repelling issues with the new recipe. I'll keep you posted.

*According to Cleaning Out the Clutter you can use other oils. I do like coconut oil in general, but was concerned that since this will be sitting around the oil may not stay liquid. I had plenty of olive oil and so that is what I went with.